

...and how it vanished

Yup, Sunday night I thought my hubs underwear magically disappeared bc I really really thought I've done all the laundry. Which was true, half at least, I just forgot the last load in the dryer!!

You probably ask yourself how can underwear be an issue?

It can be bc of one simple reason...when we moved to the US a couple of weeks ago, we really just had 4 suitcases (yeah we are 5) so he just has a few pieces of underwear, which is usually not a problem, bc I have so much laundry that get washed in no time, only if I forget to empty the dryer over a sick kid... then, really then, underwear is becoming an issue...ahhhh

And you probably ask yourself now, why in the world don't you buy some more??

Answer is quick and painless, because I can't!! Yes, I can not buy my husband underwear.
You might laugh, but you can do so any things wrong by buying underwear. Wrong brand, wrong size, wrong fit! So I told him to get himself underwear.... which apparently still did not happen, lol

And now Stinker and I have been sick with a really nasty stomach bug, so I my husband had to stay home from work for one day and watched the 3 kids... I am glad I can still see counter-top surface in my kitchen (even I have to take a REAL close look ) and kitchen tiles and I do not break my neck while walking through my living room!
And we move tomorrow...when I think of that I could just go right back to hug my toilet (sry for being gross...)
If I survive this move, I guess I'll then need a vacation

How do you manage your chaos when one or even more kids are sick at the same time? And what do you do when you join them? What helpers do you have??
Let me know, would love to hear your answers!


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